Important - Are you are having difficulty logging in, unable to view your full medical records, or need help using the NHS app? Bring your smart phone or device to our drop-in clinic and we will help you! Our next clinic is at 1-2 pm on Wednesday 11th December at Winslow Health Centre. No appointment is needed.


Wing Surgery, 46 Stewkley Road, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0NE

Wing Surgery, 46 Stewkley Road, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0NE

Whitchurch Surgery, 49 Oving Road, Whitchurch, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4JF

Whitchurch Surgery, 49 Oving Road, Whitchurch, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4JF

Winslow Health Centre, Avenue Road, Winslow, Bucks, MK18 3DP | Telephone: 01296 711150 |

Winslow Health Centre, Avenue Road, Winslow, Bucks, MK18 3DP

Telephone: 01296 711150

Useful Forms

New Patient Registration Form

Change of Patient Contact Details

Complaints Form

Consent to disclose confidential Medical Information– (to allow someone else to access and manage your medical records)

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

PPG Member Registration Form– (to sign up to our Patient Participation Group)

Register for access to your online medical records

Sample Questionnaire Form– (when handing in a sample for testing)

Summary Care Record Patient Consent Preference Form– (express your consent or dissent for the sharing of your medical records across different healthcare organisations and systems)

Serious Difficulty Application Form– (application for GP dispensing of medicines even though you live less than 1.6km of a pharmacy, as the crow flies)

Subject-Access-Request (application for a copy of your medical records)

Travel Risk Assessment Form Please visit the NHS website for further information and advice on travel vaccinations